When Is The Best Time To Buy A Car?

Posted by Rebecca Prince on October 30, 2018

man and dog in a car

Most research shows that when you buy a car in the winter, you have a better chance to receive discounts or get other “extras” included in your deal. However, if you can’t wait until winter to buy a new car, here are some options to think about:

Consider an older model

If you’re looking to buy a new car, think about buying last year’s model – especially if the new ones are moving onto the dealer’s lot. Usually, salespeople will give you a better deal on an older model because they’re trying to offload their inventory.

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Shop when salespeople are more vulnerable

Shop at the end of the day or the end of the month or quarter. These are times when salespeople need to amp up their sales and you can get a better deal.

Shop early in the week

When you shop on Monday or Tuesday, you may get more attention and a better deal than on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Shop on Black Friday

While the world is shopping at malls and getting fantastic deals for holiday gifts, consider going to the dealership. Studies have shown that you may get a discount of up to 25% off the price of a car on that day.

It is important that you do your homework prior to stepping into a dealership. Know what you want, know what the sales price is, and research all the features. Make some calls to dealerships or email them prior to going to make sure your desired vehicle is available at that location. And, make sure you have a pre-approved auto loan before buying so you know what you can afford and have the confidence you’re getting the best deal possible.

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