Saving money is hard, especially when the majority of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. It's a sobering statistic considering most American households are labeled as middle class. Some families have dealt with an unexpected situation that has caused them to fall behind financially. Others may simply not make enough to keep up with their increasing bills. Regardless of the reason, not making enough money to pay bills or deal with an emergency is a serious problem millions of Americans are dealing with today.
Helpful DuGood Articles
about Budgeting & Saving (3)
If you find it challenging to make ends meet, financially speaking, it could be a sign that you are living beyond your means. It’s easy to get over-extended - especially with so many people living out loud with all their new purchases on social media. And online shopping only perpetuates these struggles due to its overwhelming ease and convenience.
Living paycheck-to-paycheck can be very draining and inadvertently affect everyone in your household. While you may be paying your bills on time and covering all your monthly costs, one unexpected expense can cause the house of cards to come crashing down. Sure, you could try to get a second job or start a side hustle, but in reality, it’s not that easy – especially if you’re raising children.