Helpful DuGood Articles

For those looking to take control of their outstanding debt, debt consolidation is a viable option. When deciding to consolidate, a person can take multiple bills and merge them into one account for one monthly payment at, hopefully, a lower interest rate. There’s also an added benefit of only managing one account per month instead of trying to keep up with multiple accounts.

Deciding to start looking for a new home can be a thrilling adventure. However, before you start down the path of serious house hunting, there’s one thing you should consider checking off your list to ensure the home buying process is as easy and painless as possible.

A rollover is the movement of funds from one retirement savings vehicle to another. You may want to make a rollover for any number of reasons — your employment situation has changed, you want to switch investments, or you've received death benefits from your spouse's retirement plan.

Emergency expenses and extensive credit card use can land you in a sticky financial situation where you’re left paying high-interest rates on all forms of debt. In this case, debt consolidation can be a viable option to help chip away at the debt and possibly pay it off sooner. Here are just a few benefits of the debt consolidation process.

Embarking on a dream home journey can be quite the process. Questions come up like whether to buy a move-in ready home or build a home. There are many factors to consider when looking for finance options to make your dream a reality, depending on which route you take. We are sharing some helpful information to guide you in the right direction.