Helpful DuGood Articles

The first few days after you bring your baby home are exciting - and a bit stressful! It’s easy to get caught up in sleepless nights, organic baby food, and reading every book you can find. With so many new adjustments to get used to, it's not surprising that many of us forget an obvious priority: teaching and helping our child to save money as they grow up.

When you sit down and actually record where your money goes, there are always surprises. More money may be going to food and other expenses than you think. There may be areas in which you can easily cut corners that you won’t see until it’s in writing. Rather than sitting down and deciding how much of your income “should” go to expenses such as food, clothes, entertainment, savings, etc., keep track of where the money is actually going. Using a simple pad of paper, write down everything that you and the other members of your family spend money on every day. Do it for a full month.

If it seems like you’ve always been in debt and there’s just no way to get out, take heart:There is a solution.

Can you imagine a life without debt? A life where you’re not paying for yesterday’s expenses, but instead can use everything you earn for today … and possibly put something away for tomorrow too?

Here’s the good news: It can be done! The method is as simple as it is effective. However, it does require that you follow two steps consistently, and it will not happen overnight. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet for wiping the slate clean. Stick to it, though, and you’ll be thrilled with the results.

Call me crazy, but I just love flying!  There’s something about the hustle and bustle of the airport.  Every trip is a little adventure – and the airport, that’s where it all begins!