Helpful DuGood Articles

Social media is all abuzz with the return of the pumpkin spice latte. Love it, hate it, or think it’s “basic,” the PSL is a fall staple for many Starbucks fans. It has its own acronym for goodness sakes!

I am a firm believer that kids should be taught the value of the almighty dollar.   I think too often in today’s time, parents hand out money but miss the chance to teach their kids a lesson.

Now, before I go any further, please understand.  I am not saying you cannot splurge on your child.  I am guilty of this too!  I don’t think there is anything wrong with rewarding your kids.  All I’m simply trying to say is – many times we, as parents, pay for that toy or candy bar in the store just to get five minutes of peace and quiet. Then, what happens?  You feel guilty that you rewarded your kid, and they didn’t really do anything to deserve it.

Teachers are pretty incredible people!  They are educators, influencers, encouragers, cultivators, destiny shapers.  On our good days, they celebrate with us. On our bad days, let’s be honest – sometimes they just have to put up with us.

Everything about college is expensive. In the end, the sacrifices will be worth it, but that’s no comfort to a poor college student staring at a few hundred dollars worth of textbooks every semester. On average, college students spend $1,200 a year on textbooks alone! Luckily, there are a few places you can go to save a few dollars.

Whether you’re hit with a bout of nostalgia for those old school days, or breathe a sigh of relief thinking “Thank heavens, that’s over,” the school supply list that arrives faithfully in your mail or email probably evokes memories. If it’s not memories of your own school days, it’s memories of school supply shopping. And if you dread school supply shopping, you’re not alone.