Helpful DuGood Articles

Social media and surfing the web have become part of our daily lives.  In fact, it’s hard to remember a time before posting a selfie or googling your latest question!  But let’s look at things from a different perspective – security.

For a little while now, we’ve been blogging about the steps it takes to become a first time home owner.  You can check out our previous articles here.  Today, let’s talk about home inspection! 

Finding the right inspector is a very important part of your home buying journey.  Why is it such a big deal?  How do you find a good one?  And, what can you expect?  We’ll answer all your questions – let’s dive in!

When it comes to college debt, most of us immediately think of student loans.  But, there’s another culprit out there, and it’s costing co-eds thousands.  What, you might ask?  Every day credit card debt!

Whether buying your first car or another vehicle for the family, used cars are a great option.  Last month, we shared a blog titled, 5 Easy Steps: Buying A Used Car The Smart Way.  Here's a quick recap:

There’s just something about summer that makes you want to grab a few friends, jump in the car, and hit the open road.  Tis the seasons for road trips, right?