Fall is a great time to get your finances in order before the holidays. Here are few things to consider as you prepare for the holiday season:
Make Your Holiday List Now.
Don’t wait until the holiday season to purchase holiday gifts. Not only is it very crowded and stressful, but you may pay more for gifts as the holidays get closer.
Review Your Benefits.
Now’s a good time to take a look at your health benefits, because most companies have enrollment and re-enrollment during October or November. Look at the options available. Depending on the overall health of your family, you might want to consider choosing an option with a higher deductible that costs less per month, but only if it makes sense for you and your family.
Redeem Your Rewards.
If you have a credit card or other rewards program, use those rewards to purchase gifts or travel for the holidays. In many rewards programs, you only have a year to use them, so take advantage of that benefit now.
A little bit here and there can make a big difference when the holidays come. Plan now to make the best of your holiday season and have a more relaxing, enjoyable time with your family and friends.
How DuGood Can Help
Ready to capitalize on those rewards we mentioned earlier? As a DuGood member, there are several ways you can earn rewards and discounts.
- uChoose Rewards with a DuGood debit or credit card
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- LoveToShop
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