Helpful DuGood Articles

by Rebecca Prince

College.  There’s nothing quite like it.  Walking on campus, listening to the fall leaves crunch under your feet.  The tradition.  The late night study sessions.  The life lessons.  The PRICE TAG!

Have you ever found yourself saying: I’m too smart to get a virus like that on MY computer?  Famous last words…  Scammers have become much savvier, and many of us are falling for their schemes, especially when it comes to opening email attachments.

Ah, May 4th.  To the clever person who made geeking out on Star Wars a worldwide holiday, we salute you!  Here at DuGood, it’s no secret – we’re pretty big Star Wars fans.  Maybe, it’s the whole good versus evil thing.  Or, how the little guy saves the day…  But at any rate, it gets all our “credit union feels” going.

Recently, we posted a blog about spring cleaning your finances. So, how’s it going?  Need a little more motivation?  We thought you might! 

Home ownership.  You’ve decided it’s time.  All the details are in order.  Now, it’s time for the house hunt to begin.  Which leads you to even more questions…

Should you work with a real estate agent?  How should you pick one?